Yesterday, a number of Telegram channels and the media reported that Roskomnadzor would soon block a number of popular VPN services in the Russian Federation, including Cyberchost VPN, Mcafee VPN, Quark VPN, Ultrasurf VPNm, VPN Super Unlimited Proxy, Zenmate VPN, VPN Russia – Unblock Proxy, VPN HUB and so on.
Let me remind you that in June 2022, Roskomnadzor already limited access to a number of VNP services, including Proton VPN, and last year, more than a dozen popular VPN services, including ExpressVPN, Nord VPN, Hola!VPN, IPVanish, were already limited in the Russian Federation. VPN, KeepSolid VPN Unlimited, Speedify VPN and so on.